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Author Anna Fiore has always felt a connection to divination, magick, and the moon. She is a mother of two children , and as a witch found it difficult to find books or literature centered around pagan or occult teachings for children.


Fiore created The Little Witches’ Book Series for children who come from homes of witches and practitioners of magick. After noticing a lack of magickal books pertaining to witch or pagan lifestyles, Fiore aspired to provide literature that contributes to the nourishment of our little witches.


With a passion for writing since childhood, Anna stepped into action to provide books that are diverse in the idea of many paths for witches and any practitioners, and that are bright and beautifully illustrated.


The Little Witches Series is geared to let every child know regardless of sex, age, or race magick is for those who seek it, and is inclusive for all!

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